It's Real - Bible Study

Jul 24, 2024    Bishop Mitchell A. Way


1 John 1


1st John, this letter shows John's obvious affection for his "little children" and concern for their spiritual welfare. The book is filled with contrasts, light and darkness (1:6-7; 2:8-11); love of world and love of God (2:15-17); children of God and children of the devil (3:4-10); the Spirit of God and the spirit of Antichrist (4:1-3); love and hate (4:7-12,16-21).


"Once upon a time . . . "


Remember how exciting those words used to be? They were the open door into an exciting world of make-believe, a dream world that helped you forget all the problems of childhood.


Then - pow! You turned a comer one day, and "Once upon a time" became kid stuff. You discovered that life is a battleground, not a playground, and fairy stories were no longer meaningful. You wanted something real.


The search for something real is not new. It has been going on since the beginning of history. Men have looked for reality and satisfaction in wealth, thrills, conquest, power, learning, and even in religion.


There is nothing really wrong with these experiences, except that by themselves they never really satisfy. Wanting something real and finding something real are two different things. Like a child eating cotton candy at the circus, many people who expect to bite into something real end up with a mouthful of nothing. They waste priceless years on empty substitutes for reality.


This is where the Apostle John's first epistle comes in. Written centuries ago, this letter deals with a theme that is forever up-to-date: the life that is real.


John had discovered that satisfying reality is not to be found in things or thrills, but in a Person, Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Without wasting any time, he tells us about this "living reality" in the first paragraph of his letter.


In 1 John 1:1-4, we will learn three vital facts about the life that is real:


1.     This Life Is Revealed

2.     This Life Is Experienced

3.     This Life Is Shared